Great Northern Highway between Broome Road (Roebuck Roadhouse) turnoff and Buttweld Road - Port Hedland has been closed. Please refer to Emergency WA and
Main Roads Travel Map
The Code of Conduct provides Councillors, Committee & Working Group Members and employees with guidelines on acceptable standards of professional conduct.
Council Policies are a concise statement of strategic objectives or principles that give effect to the Local Government’s obligations or objectives, minimise risk, guide subsequent decisions and actions and ensure that the Local Government’s community is served in an open, accountable, consistent and sustainable manner.
Freedom of Information Statement and FOI information, guidelines, timeframes and charges.
This Register is published in accordance with s.5.82 and s.5.83 of the Local Government Act 1995.
Local Laws and Regulation
Shire of Broome Public Interest Disclosure.
The Shire of Broome's refund policy.