Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available for Inspection

No longer on display. Expired on 14 January 2021, 04:00 PM

Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available for Inspection - Standard Amendment

Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme No 6 - Amendment No 12

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Broome has initiated the above mentioned planning scheme amendment for the purposes of:

  1. Rezoning part lot 9007 on Deposited Plan 74189, Magabala Road, Bilingurr from Town Centre, Residential R30/40; R40; and Road Reserve and to R20;
  2. Inserting the following into Schedule 2 – Additional Use of the Scheme Text:


Description of Land

Additional Use



Part Lot 9007 on Deposited Plan 74189

Child Care

The additional use shall be considered a 'P' use

   3. Amending the Scheme Map accordingly.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment are available for inspection at the Shire of Broome Administration centre and will be open for inspection during office hours up to and including Thursday 14th January 2021.

Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the property affected and the details of the submission and lodged with the undersigned, PO Box 44, Broome WA 6725 on or before 4pm on Thursday 14th January 2021. E-mail submissions will also be accepted at shire@broome.wa.gov.au.

S Mastrolembo

Chief Executive Officer


To read the Proposed Scheme Amendment - Waranyjarri Estate Local Centre Rezoning document, click here.(PDF, 9MB)