Annual Electors Meeting 2025
The next Annual Electors Meeting (AEM) will be held at the Shire’s Administration Building at 4pm on February 6, 2025.
Attendees are requested to pre-register and arrive at 3.30pm. The meeting’s Agenda will be available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting via our Agenda and Minutes page.
Attendance at the AEM
To ensure that the meeting proceeds as efficiently as possible, the Shire is requesting participants pre-register via our online registration form.
What is an Annual Electors Meeting?
In accordance with Section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995, an Annual General Meeting of Electors is to be held once every financial year. The Act and associated legislation prescribe the matters that are to be discussed.
What is the purpose of an AEM?
Local governments must prepare, accept, and advertise an Annual Report (Sections 5.53–5.55) and hold an Annual Electors Meeting within 56 days of its acceptance (Section 5.27). The report includes major initiatives that are proposed to commence or to continue in the next financial year. Annual Reports including the one for the 2023-24 financial year, which will be received at the meeting, can be found here.
Public questions and motions
The AEM also presents an opportunity for electors to ask questions of Council and propose motions similar to those proposed at Ordinary Council Meetings.
Electors present will then be asked to vote on proposed motions, which will allow Councillors to gauge what type of community support there is for different proposals.
Motions that are carried are considered by Councillors at the next appropriate Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Who can participate at an AEM?
Only electors are entitled to participate at the meeting. In accordance with Section 1.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 an elector is defined as, “elector, in relation to a district or ward, means a person who is eligible to be enrolled to vote at elections for the district or ward,” and as depicted in section 5.26 of the Act this also includes ratepayers. You can still attend and observe the meeting if you are not an elector, but participation can only be permitted if a resolution is passed by the electors present that permits you to do so.
Residents can check to see if they are on the electoral roll through the Australian Electoral Commission website. If you have previously registered to be on the Shire’s Owners and Occupiers electoral roll, you can check these details by contacting the Shire office. Please note that if you are already on the State or Federal electoral roll and live within the Shire district you are automatically included on the Shire’s electoral roll.
Asking Questions or Proposing an Electors Motions
To ensure that the meeting proceeds as efficiently as possible, we ask that electors who wish to ask a question or propose a motion do so in advanced via our online form.
Annual Elector Meeting Proceedings
As stipulated in Regulation 17 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, voting provisions at an AEM are as follows:
- Each elector at the meeting is entitled to one vote on each matter to be decided, but does not have to vote;
- All decisions are to be made by a Simple Majority vote; and
- Voting is to be conducted by a show of hands, ensuring that no voter’s vote is secret.
All other meeting proceedings are determined by the Shire President, who will be the presiding person at the meeting.
Thursday, 06 February 2025 | 04:00 PM
- 05:00 PM
27 Weld Street, Broome, 6725, View Map
27 Weld Street ,
Broome 6725
27 Weld Street ,
Broome 6725
Annual Electors Meeting 2025