Have your say on Shire's playground strategy
Published on 19 July 2023
The Shire of Broome has 19 Council owned and managed playgrounds.
Landscape architecture consultants, Ecoscape has been engaged to develop a Playground Strategy. The strategy will assess the quality, condition and priority of existing playground amenities and infrastructure offered across Broome and guide Council with future park developments and upgrades.
This will include determining what equipment is included in playground developments and what age groups they cater for.
Ecoscape has audited the existing playgrounds and public open spaces and now wish to hear from you.
To help guide the development of this strategy a survey has been developed.
Completing the survey will help us to understand what the community like and dislike about the current playgrounds. It will also inform us of what is desired equipment and where it should be placed.
Click here to complete the survey
You can also complete the survey in person and talk to Ecoscape staff on the following dates:
3–5 pm, Friday August 4: Cygnet Park, near the playground equipment
9–11 am, Saturday August 5: Town Beach Playground, near the basketball court
Additionally, Shire Staff will be available to answer any queries on the following dates:
10–11.30 am, Tuesday August 8: Broome Public Library – Story Time
3–4.30 pm, Thursday August 10: Broome Public Library – Lego Club/Social Minecraft
Survey is open from July 19 to August 20.