Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026


At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 25 February 2021, Council endorsed the draft ‘Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026 for the Shire of Broome’ (the draft Strategy) to be released for a six-week public comment period from 2 March 2021 to 12 April 2021 to seek community feedback.

The Shire’s informing strategies feed into the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan. The draft Strategy provided an overarching approach to economic development by the Shire for the next five years. RPS Group was engaged by the Shire of Broome to lead the development of the Strategy in collaboration with the Shire’s Economic Development team.

After taking public submissions into consideration, a final Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026 was endorsed by Councillors at the May 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

The Strategy provides detail on:

  1. The role of local government, and the Shire of Broome specifically, in economic development. This section also celebrates major Shire-led initiatives;
  2. Broome’s economic profile;
  3. Broome’s competitive advantages and challenges; and
  4. The Shire of Broome’s economic development vision, desired outcomes, and programs.

The below table summarises the Shire’s economic development vision, desired outcomes and programs, as outlined in the Strategy:

Vision Broome - Economically Diverse, for everyone
Desired Outcomes       

More People

More Investment

More Businesses

More Economic Diversity


Business and Industry Support

Skills Development and Training

Investment Attraction, Branding and Liveability

Connectivity, Transport and Access


The economic development programs section of the Strategy celebrates current / recent actions and lists potential actions for further investigation over the next five years.

This section of the Strategy illustrates the multi-disciplinary approach to economic development and demonstrates how the Shire is comprehensively working towards meeting the vision and desired outcomes for the benefit of Broome’s community and economy.

To read the full Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026, click here(PDF, 8MB).