Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan

Arts and Culture Strategy 2023-2028.jpg

The Shire has developed the Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan in recognition of the importance of arts, culture, and heritage to Broome.

The Strategy determines the arts and culture sector’s needs and long-term ambitions, and how they can be supported and enhanced by Shire investment. The Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan was devised with consultant, Element Advisory, and stakeholders as part of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Community Reference Group (ACHRG) which included Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Magabala Books, Marrugeku, Kimberley Arts Network, Theatre Kimberley, Shinju Matsuri, Goolarri Media, Nagula Jarndu, and the Broome Historical Society.

The community consultation process focused on gaining feedback from the wider community, particularly remote communities such as Beagle Bay, Lombadina, Djarindjin, Ardyaloon, and Bidyadanga. The engagement process included several targeted workshops, meetings with stakeholders, and an industry night. We believe that this approach has enabled us to capture the needs and aspirations of our diverse community.

Arts and Culture Community Reference Group

The Shire of Broome’s Arts and Culture Community Reference Group is made up of community representatives who are passionate about arts and culture that will help drive forward the development and achievement of the Shire’s Arts and Culture Strategy. 

The group meet biennially to: 

  • Oversee the implementation of the Shire of Broome Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan (2023 – 2028) by receiving updates and providing feedback.
  •  Work in a collaborative manner with a common goal of ensuring the delivery of Arts and Culture initiatives.
  •  Act as a conduit between the Shire of Broome, Council and the community.


Arts and Culture Community Reference Group Terms of Reference(PDF, 389KB)