Developing strategic initiatives and partnerships with industry sectors across the region. Implementing plans and capital projects to promote future economic prosperity.
The Shire, the Western Australian Government and the local business community want to see Broome develop and make the most of its opportunities, while retaining its unique culture and environment for the benefit of residents and visitors.
The Shire of Broome is committed to maximising opportunities for the economic development of business and industry in the Shire.
Whether you're new to business or own/ operate an existing business, there are a range of support providers available that can assist with business issues.
After taking public submissions into consideration, a final Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026 was endorsed by Councillors at the May 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
The Broome Growth Plan is a blueprint for the Shire’s economic future and was compiled over several years from detailed research and wide-ranging consultation with key economic development stakeholders and the broader Broome community.
Download the Invest in Broome Brochure, which outlines a wide range of growing industries, ambitious new projects, natural resources and tourism ventures that make this town a great place to live, work and play.
The Shire of Broome's Building a Future for Everyone Plan was endorsed at the April 2024 Council Meeting.