Supporting Local Business

The Shire of Broome is committed to maximising opportunities for the economic development of business and industry in the Shire. 

Council originally adopted Policy 2.1.3 Regional Price Preference in December 2001. The most recent review of this policy occurred in June 2018, and the Shire will continue to review the Policy.

The following is an extract of the Guidelines contained within the policy.

A regional price preference will apply to all tenders invited by the Shire of Broome for the supply of goods and services and construction (building) services unless Council resolves that this policy does not apply in a particular procurement instance. The provision of a regional price preference will be undertaken in conjunction with standard tender considerations.

Policy- Price Preference

A preference will be given to a regional tenderer by assessing their tender as if the price bids were reduced by:

a) 10% (up to a maximum price reduction of $50,000) for goods or services; or

b) 5% (up to a maximum price reduction of $50,000) for construction (building services); or

c) 10% (up to a maximum price reduction of $500,000, if tenders are being sought for the first time for goods or services currently undertaken by the Shire. 

It should be noted that price is only one factor to be considered when the Shire of Broome assesses tender submissions. 

Value for money is achieved through the critical assessment of price, risk, timeliness, environmental, social, economic and qualitative factors to determine the most advantageous supply outcome that contributes to the Shire achieving its strategic and operational objectives. 
The Shire will apply value for money principles when assessing purchasing decisions and acknowledges that the lowest price may not always be the most advantageous. Other factors including qualitative and risk criteria will also be given consideration into the decision. 

The Shire’s purchasing activities will achieve:

• The attainment of best value for money;

• Sustainable benefits, such as environmental, social and local economic factors being considered in the overall value for money assessment; 

• Consistent, efficient and accountable processes and decision-making;

• Fair and equitable competitive processes that engage potential suppliers impartially, honestly and consistently;

• Probity and integrity, including the avoidance of bias and of perceived and actual conflicts of interest;

• Compliance with the Local Government Act 1995, Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, as well as any relevant legislation, Codes of Practice, Standards and the Shire’s Policies and procedures;

• The identification and management of risks within the Shire’s Risk Management framework; and

• The creation and maintenance of records to evidence purchasing activities in accordance with the State Records Act 2000 and the Shire’s Record Keeping Plan.

 The full Regional Price Preference Policy 2.1.3 can be accessed and read at Council Policy and Code of Conduct.

The Shire of Broome Purchasing Policy 2.1.2 is also available on the same link.