Customer Service Charter
The Shire of Broome is committed to responsibly managing the Shire on behalf of its residents. We make every effort to maintain the highest standards of service to ensure we meet the needs of our customers in a professional and ethical manner with courteous and efficient service.
When you contact us you can expect to be treated honestly and fairly. We encourage feedback on our customer service performance and welcome your input through submission of the Customer Feedback Form, surveys and formal correspondence.
We are committed to
- Responding to your inquiries promptly.
- Dealing with inquiries and complaints fairly and professionally.
- Keeping you informed.
- Providing an open and accessible Shire.
- Providing fair and unbiased treatment.
- Ensuring information, resources and services are accessible to all.
You can help us to meet our commitment to you by:
- Treating our staff with courtesy and respect.
- Being open and honest in your dealings with us.
- Letting us know when things change such as your address or contact details.
- Respecting the rights of other customers.
- Providing us with feedback about our operation and services.
- Making an appointment if you wish to speak with a specific officer.
- Referring initial inquiries through the correct channels.
Complaint and Resolution Process
Making a Complaint
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, action or decision by the Council or its staff, affecting an individual or group. You can lodge a complaint via our website, by writing to us, by telephone or in person at the Administration Office.
How will your complaint be investigated?
1. When we receive your complaint it will be recorded and you will receive an acknowledgment from us that your complaint has been received.
2. When we receive your complaint we will direct your concern to the most-appropriate person within the Shire of Broome, who will be responsible for keeping you up to date on the progress of your complaint. Throughout the process, we may need to contact you to discuss your concerns or to ask for more information.
3. Providing us with current contact details (such as a telephone number or email address) will ensure we provide a response as soon as possible.
4. After investigating, we will respond and aim to resolve your complaint, giving reasons for our view.
5. We will do our best to resolve your complaint within 10 working days, but if we require more information or time, we will keep you informed of our progress.