Filming in Broome

Broome Chinatown Johnny Chi Lane web.jpg

The Shire of Broome are not currently issuing permits for commercial filming, however there are several government departments and organisations which may need to be contacted depending on the location and commercial/non- commercial filming request.

If the company/individual filming are using drones then they must contact CASA or Air Services Australia to discuss.

Yawuru Joint Managed Reserves
The Yawuru joint managed reserves may contain areas within Broome & its immediate surrounds that are culturally sensitive to local Aboriginal people, this includes any content also. These reserves include, Town Beach, Crab Creek Reserve and Willie Creek Reserve. All commercial filming operations undertaken on Yawuru joint managed reserves require written approval from the joint manager.
Approval must be obtained through Nyamba Buru Yawuru on (08) 9192 9600

Parks & Wildlife Service
All commercial filmmakers and photographers planning to take still pictures or motion pictures for commercial purposes on lands managed by Parks & Wildlife Service, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions (DBCA) must obtain either a licence or lawful authority. Filming or photography for private or non-commercial purposes does not require a licence or lawful authority from DBCA.
Please contact the DBCA Broome office on 08 9195 5500.

Kimberley Ports Authority
Kimberley Ports Authority manage the areas between Cable Beach and Town Beach. If filming within these areas the Port Authority has asked to advise them via email: