When is a building permit required?
The Shire of Broome is in a cyclone region, and most development projects will require a building permit.
Please use the Project Quick Guide, and refer to the information sheets for more specific details about your project.
Permits are issued to a Builder, which could be a registered builder, a contractor, or an owner.
Building work valued at more than $20,000 will require a registered builder to do the work, or, you may be able to get an owner-builder licence from Building and Energy. For all other works, a permit can be issued to a contractor, or an owner.
The person nominated as the Builder on the application form, must sign the form, and they are the responsible person for the work.
The WA Building Regulations 2012 has exemptions for some building works, such as maintenance.
Refer to Schedule 4 and 5 of the Regulations.
ALL WA legislation is available at https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/
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