Ancillary dwellings, commonly known as granny flats, are useful additions to a property. They enable independent living for a family member, or it can be rented out long term.
Self-contained dwelling on the same lot as a single house which may be attached to, integrated with, or detached from, the single house. (WA R-Codes).
Ancillary dwellings are only permitted in Residential, and Rural Residential zones.
State Planning Policy 7.3 WA R-Codes sets the guidelines for an Ancillary Dwelling in R-Code areas.
If the following criteria is met, you wont need a planning approval -
- The lot is not less than 350m2.
- There is a maximum plot ratio of 70m2 (Plot Ratio = gross total floor area, but not including verandahs, carport, storerooms).
- Parking bay (1) is provided.
- Located behind the street setback line.
- Designed to be compatible with the colour, roof pitch, and materials of the single house on the same lot.
- Does not affect the open space and outdoor area of the main dwelling.
- Complies with all other provisions ie setbacks, height etc., except - site area, street surveillance, and the outdoor living area.
Rural Residential Areas – a Development Approval is required for an Ancillary Dwelling.
A building application must be submitted before commencing works on site.
You may submit a BA1 Certified application, OR, a BA2 Uncertified application, and the Shire will provide the Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC).
The proposed ancillary dwelling must meet ALL parts of the building code (BCA).
The dwelling must be self-contained which includes its own kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry.
Applications can be made on-line – go to Applications and use the checklist.
*NOTE: If the lot is not connected to mains sewer, you may need an upgrade, or new, on-site sewer system. Discuss with the Shire Environmental Health Officer (EHO).
Please contact the Shire on 91913456 or email if you need more information.
Ancillary Dwelling Sample Plans(PDF, 2MB)