Precinct Structure Plan

The Shire of Broome has been planning for the future of Cable Beach and Chinatown/Old Broome through the preparation of Precinct Structure Plans. 

A Precinct Structure Plan is a planning tool used to guide future land use, subdivision and development in key areas to ensure good building, public realm and transport outcomes are achieved.

The Precinct Structure Plans have been prepared following extensive community and stakeholder engagement throughout 2022 and 2023.

The draft Precinct Structure Plans for Cable Beach and Chinatown/Old Broome, and the associated Scheme Amendment (proposed changes to the Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme No. 7) were adopted by Council at the November 2023 Council Meeting to seek Minister approval to commence public comment. 

To view the Council Minutes, click here.

The draft Precinct Structure Plans and Scheme Amendment have been forwarded to the State Government for review and to seek approval to advertise. Upon receiving approval from the Minister, the documents will be advertised for public comment.

If you wish to be notified of the public consultation, register your details here.

Public consultation

The Shire anticipates that public consultation will commence in 2024.

When public advertising commences, all documents and relevant information will be available on this page.