Precinct Structure Plan
The Shire of Broome has been planning for the future of Cable Beach and Chinatown/Old Broome through the preparation of Precinct Structure Plans.
A Precinct Structure Plan is a planning tool used to guide future land use, subdivision and development in key areas to ensure good building, public realm and transport outcomes are achieved.
Scheme Amendment No.1 to the Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme No.7 provides the changes to the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.7 that will enable the Precinct Structure Plans to be implemented.
The Precinct Structure Plans and Scheme Amendment No.1 have been prepared following extensive community and stakeholder engagement throughout 2022 and 2023. This included community workshops, online surveys, interactive mapping exercises and meetings. The Shire would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the process. The feedback and ideas you have shared have been fundamental to the development of the Precinct Structure Plans.
The draft Precinct Structure Plans and Scheme Amendment were forwarded to the State Government for review and to seek approval to advertise. In response to comments received from the State, some changes to the Scheme Amendment and the Cable Beach Precinct were made. These changes were accepted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting in August 2024. To view the Council Minutes, click here.
Public consultation
The Shire has initiated a public consultation process, inviting feedback through written submissions and in-person drop-in sessions. The consultation period ran from September 30, 2024, to December 2, 2024.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to make a submission.
Scheme Amendment No. 1 to Local Planning Scheme No. 7
Scheme Amendment No.1 to Local Planning Scheme No. 7 report(PDF, 2MB)
Precinct Structure Plans
Draft Cable Beach Precinct Structure Plan pt1(PDF, 7MB)
Draft Cable Beach Precinct Structure Plan pt2.(PDF, 135MB)
Draft Chinatown Old Broome Precinct Structure Plan pt1(PDF, 14MB)
Draft Chinatown Old Broome Precinct Structure Plan pt2(PDF, 40MB)
Frequently Asked Questions
Next Steps
The Shire is in the process of reviewing all submissions received which will be presented to Council for consideration in early 2025.
All submitters will be advised when the submissions will be considered by Council.
Once Council has considered the submissions and any changes to the draft documents, they will be forwarded for approval to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
More information
For more information on the project either email or call the Shire on (08) 9191 3456 and request to speak to the Planning Team.
The Shire welcomes any development enquiries under the new planning framework and officers can be contacted either via email or phone.