Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment

What's happening at Cable Beach? (Project updates)


Stage 1 of the Walmanyjun/Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment is well underway, with construction works between April 2024 and December 2024, which will mostly take place around the Surf Club. 

UPDATED - August 27, 2024 

August has been a busy month for Stage 1 of the Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment project.

  • The piling work for the new free-standing beach stairs and ramp near the Broome Surf Life Saving Club and Cable Beach House has been completed in preparation for the pylon foundations and the arrival of construction materials.
  • Protective matting has been placed over the reformed sand dune, which will match the natural profile as seen south of the Surf Club. The matting will assist the replanting process and reduce the amount of sand blown away during strong winds.
  • Planting will include the endemic ground cover on the dunes and native vegetation grown from local seed at the Shire depot.
  • Construction of fencing near the top of the dune has also commenced below the crest line to provide a clear view of the beach from the promenade path and adjacent lawn area.
  • Underground services and light footings have been laid behind the Surf Club, allowing skatepark construction to begin.
  • Due to construction vehicles moving about the area, pedestrian access to the Surf Club from the car park is subject to closures during the day for safety reasons. The path will be open at 3 p.m. when the Surf Club opens.
  • Unfortunately, this work had to be carried out during the busy dry season due to number of factors including: The duration of the project; availability of contractors; Federal grant funding requiring Stage 1 to be completed by the end of 2024; and the need to avoid heavy wet season rain and possible storm surges.

  • Work has commenced on building the new access ramps and stairs at the Surf Club, meaning there is now no beach access at the Surf Club and next to Cable Beach House restaurant.
  • The Surf Club car park remains partially open and there is a new path leading to the Club at the northern end.
  • Lighting is due to be installed along the temporary path to the Surf Club during the first week of June.
  • The primary beach access to Cable Beach is the stairs 90m to the north of the restaurant.
  • Dogs are prohibited from the swimming zone between the rocks and the Surf Club. With the Surf Club beach access now closed, the only way to take dogs onto Cable Beach for now is via the vehicle ramp north of the rocks (dogs must be on lead for the first kilometre), the paths over the dunes south of the Surf Club, or from Gantheuame Beach.
  • Access from the Surf Club to the Minyirr Park Trail is also blocked. To enter the trail in that area use the path across the road from Diver’s Tavern.
  • A shade sail has been installed over the playground.
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Frequently asked questions

What work is being carried out?

The work will include the installation of Stage 1 elements, including:

  • Replacing the existing ramp and beach stairs near the Surf Club to make them safer and more accessible
  • Installing a new lookout
  • Laying the basketball court
  • Installing skate elements
  • Improving the trailhead into Minyirr Park.
  • Coastal protection works on the sand dunes to better protect them from erosion and storm surges
  • Landscaping the car park behind the surf club and installing new lighting
  • Replacing the beach access stairs near Zanders. 
  • Landscaping, with all plants grown from local seeds.

Surf Club foreshore redevelopment


How will the work impact the Cable Beach foreshore area?

Most of the work centred on the area behind the Surf Club.

This means it will largely be business as usual around the popular foreshore area to the north, which includes the area near the Cable Beach House restaurant (formerly Zanders), the lawns and amphitheatre, and the car park, meaning you can still dine at Cable Beach House, enjoy picnics and watch Broome's magnificent sunsets.

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What about the beach and beach access?

Apart from safety fencing near the dunes during the coastal protection works and construction of the new beach access stairs and ramp, the project will have minimal impact on Cable Beach itself. However, there will be changes to beach access until December 2024.

  • Primary pedestrian access to the beach will be stairs approximately 90m north the restaurant next to the play ground.
  • There will be no public beach access from the Surf Club during the ramp and stair works.
  • Beach access via the stairs in front the restaurant will also be closed for rebuilding.
  • The public vehicle ramp will remain open, subject to general restrictions and events.

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Will people with a disability be able to access the beach?

One of the reasons for the Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment is to make this popular destination more accessible as current facilities are not ideal.

We will have similar arrangements to those operated from the Surf Club prior to the Stage 1 work commencing.

West Coast Water Safety, which provides the Lifeguard service on Cable Beach, will provide a beach buggy service for people with physical disabilities who cannot use the stairs. The pick-up point will be near the ACROD parking places next to the restaurant.

Call the Cable Beach Lifeguards at 0447 668 300 to arrange for this service when you arrive.

Please note, as before, that the service is only available when the WCWS lifeguards are on duty. Delays may occur if the lifeguards are busy with other responsibilities.

Beach and Aquatic Wheelchair Loan

The Shire of Broome, in partnership with the Disability Services Commission (DSC), is pleased to provide a beach wheelchair on Cable Beach. More information on hiring the beach wheelchair can be viewed here.




Surf Club access

During the works, Surf Club will continue to operate, with access either through the foreshore path between the Club and Restaurant. or a new temporary path from the Surf Club car park, depending on what work is being carried out at the time.

Once completed there will be a whole new entrance to the Surf Club, which will include an access ramp.

The Surf Club car park will be partially open while resurfacing works are carried out.

new surf club entrance

Can I take my dog on to Cable Beach during Stage 1 works?

  • Existing laws prohibit dogs on- or off-lead along the swimming area of Cable Beach, which extends north from the Surf Club to the vehicle ramp/rocks.
  • Dogs will not be allowed on to Cable Beach between the Surf Club and Vehicle Access Ramp during the works.  
  • People wishing to take dogs south of the Surf Club can do so via the access tracks in front of Murray Road (Divers Tavern), De Marchi Road and Banu Avenue, and from Gantheaume Beach.
  • Dogs will still be allowed north of the north access stairs and Vehicle Access Ramp. The first kilometre north of the rocks is a lead-only area.


What happened to the little playground next to the restaurant?

We have temporarily located the playground further north on the foreshore lawn, close to the beach access stairs. This area has picnic tables, palm trees for shade, and great ocean views. 

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How will car parking be affected?

Car parking near the Restaurant and along Cable Beach Road West will be unaffected during these works.

The Surf Club car park will be partially open while we carry out resurfacing works, which will make the area safer and more accessible. 

You still be able to access the Surf Club from the car park, but there will be no beach access from there until further notice.

Why is the construction work being done during the busy tourist season?

A number of factors led to this phase of he work commencing in late April including the availability of the contractor and the need to finish the project by the end of 2024 to satisfy a Federal Government funding requirement.

Even if the timing was more flexible, it would be very difficult to carry out earth works during the quieter wet season due to isolated heavy rain.




Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Master Plan

The Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Master Plan (WCBFMP) was adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting of Council on October 19, 2017 and a Business Case was completed in May 2020.

The purpose of the WCBFMP was to provide a long-term vision for the Cable Beach foreshore area and to be used as a tool to facilitate investment in community infrastructure through municipal funds, grants and public and private partnerships.

The CBFMP considered, in greater detail, the concept designs that formed part of the Cable Beach Development Strategy (2016), and provided a long-term vision for the Cable Beach Foreshore area.

Improvements set out in the Master Plan include reconfiguring the car park to create a new beach park; creation of a new entry plaza and an upgraded entry with public art, entry statement, garden bed and tree planting; increased ocean views from the site; universal access across the foreshore area; and a the potential for a buried seawall to manage coastal erosion. A copy of the adopted Cable Beach Foreshore Master Plan can be found by accessing the link below.

The Cable Beach Master Plan was the guiding document for the detailed design phase of the Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment Project.

Construction of Stage 1 commenced in September 2023. 

For more information on the masterplan and project, including the community consultation and design process and details about coast protection, visit cablebeachredevelopment.com.au


What will the Walmanyjun Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment consist of? 

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The redevelopment of Cable Beach Foreshore will transition one of Broome’s high-quality natural assets into a global drawcard. The Council has endorsed a Master Plan, which was completed in 2017, and a Business Case, which was completed in May 2020.

The project explored many open design components including a new promenade, an amphitheatre upgrade and activation spaces. Other features include the renovation of the Broome Surf Lifesaving Club, upgrade of the Cable Beach car park and the provision of new access options to the beach.

The redevelopment will offer additional commercial opportunities and would link together some of the town’s major tourism, cultural and leisure attractions. 

Why is this a major focus for the Shire?

In recent years the Shire has invested significant funds and channelled major energy to see positive infrastructure improvements at Town Beach and in Chinatown. It makes sense that Cable Beach would be the next precinct in line to be refreshed.

The project is a major focus for the Shire because the upgrades will prove to be a major asset for Broome, attract more visitors to our region and provide the community with improved spaces in the Cable Beach area, including an iconic water-play area and event space.

The Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment is a $50 million project, with the Shire already committing over $1 million 

How we got here

The project’s Business Case has been completed and the Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment is a shovel-ready project that the Shire hopes will attract Government funding. The Shire has commenced lobbying efforts with the State and Federal Governments.

The project was included in the 3-Year Broome COVID-19 Recovery Plan, which has been collated by the Shire and our Broome stakeholders to stimulate the local economy. More information and the plan can be viewed here.

The Shire Council endorsed the 2021-22 Budget at the June 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council, which includes a funding commitment of $867,815 towards the detailed design phase of the project.

Josh Byrne & Associates were selected as the preferred contractor to complete detailed design at the June 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council. A Community Engagement Plan was endorsed at the September 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council, while a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group endorsed at the November 2021 Council meeting.

Community consultation was undertaken in March 2022 and feedback on a 50% concept design was received.

What coastal protection measures are being undertaken ahead of the project?

As part of the detailed design process, a number of technical investigations have been undertaken to further understand the design considerations required for the protection options at Cable Beach. These investigations include an analysis of a buried rock revetment wall and sand nourishment. 

The technical investigations identified ‘sand nourishment’ as the preferred coastal protection approach for the dune system in front of Zanders and the Surf Club on the basis that it would result in a more natural coastal protection approach whilst also providing a reasonable risk profile.

In the northern section of the foreshore, where the beach access and drainage outlet are located, the investigations found that the most suitable protection would be an exposed rock revetment. Key factors that influenced this recommendation included data obtained through wave modelling that identified localised wave run-up in the northern amphitheatre section, and the presence of existing coastal protection structures (gabions) and the need to provide and protect beach access and drainage structures.

The recommended coastal protection options were endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 24 February 2022.