Pre-cyclone drop-off Information.
Greenwaste drop off and mulch collection is available at the Waste Management Facility.
Illegal Dumping Information.
The Shire, through the services of its contractor Cleanaway, provides a weekly household refuse and fortnight recycle collection service.
Fees and Charges for the Waste Management Facility.
The Waste Management Facility is located 9km from town and is open each day except Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Waste Vouchers available annually.
The Shire of Broome Waste Local Law 2021 was gazetted on 30 March 2021, after public advertising in local and State newspapers and Council adoption at the February 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
A detailed list of how to dispose of different items that go to waste.
Waste Action Plan 2021-2025
The Home Composting & Dual Bin Rebate will see the Shire reimburse eligible residents who purchase selected compost bins or dual rubbish bins with a recycling tub.