When do grant applications open/close?
The Shire of Broome only accepts applications for the Community Development Fund between January 10 and March 20 each year.
What is auspice?
In a funding context, an auspice is an organisation who manages grant funding on your behalf. For example, a small incorporated community group may use a larger not-for-profit organisation as their auspice. The larger not-for-profit will receive and manage the grant funding, with the community group undertaking the actual project work.
Can a not-for-profit organisation submit for funding multiple times within the financial year?
An organisation can only receive funding for one event/activity within the financial year. However, a registered not-for-profit organisation may auspice for as many separate individuals as they wish, and this organisation would still be eligible to apply for the grant for their own project. Noting if the original applicant is unable to successfully acquit the grant, the auspice organisation will also be ineligible to submit for further funding from any Shire of Broome programs until this acquittal is processed.
What if I am not an incorporated organisation?
You can still apply for Stream 1 of the Community Development fund but must be auspiced by an incorporated organisation. Organisations that are not incorporated are not eligible for Stream 2 or 3.
I need to adjust some details on my original application after being approved for funding?
Please contact the Shire officer to discuss the details of the proposed adjustment and they will be able to provide advice on next steps based on the significance of the change.