Great Northern Highway between Broome Road (Roebuck Roadhouse) turnoff and Buttweld Road - Port Hedland has been closed. Please refer to Emergency WA and
Main Roads Travel Map
Please ensure you are aware of the local risks & maintain safe behaviours.
The Jetty is not a safe location for a swim due to the strong daily tidal currents and varying depth water, but the adjacent beach area offers a more protected location for swimming due to the adjacent groyne.
Broome’s waters are subject to an influx of tropical jellyfish when the water is warmer and saltwater crocodiles are occasionally seen at Town Beach. The Shire will close the beach if a sting or sighting occurs but please inform yourself on safe times to be in the water.
The Jetty’s lower landing structure provides the only recreational vessel jetty facility in Broome besides Streeter’s Jetty which has further limited tide windows. It does not provided access during tides lower then 6m CD as the tide runs out across the mud flats to the channel. Please be respectful of others and check the signed terms of use for planning your boat trip.
There is a boat ramp at Town Beach which accommodates launching at tides down to approximately 6m CD. Any beach launching from the mud flats on tides below 6m CD should proceed with caution. The ground can be variable and deteriorate quickly from the sandy shoreline. Unfortunately, a number of vehicles have become bogged and lost to the incoming tide in the past.