Local Planning Strategy and Scheme Available for public comment

No longer on display. Expired on 31 March 2022, 04:00 PM

Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No 7

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the Shire of Broome has prepared a Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No 7.

The purpose of the Local Planning Strategy is:

  1. Set out the long-term planning directions for the local government;
  2. Apply any state or regional planning policy that is relevant to the strategy; and
  3. Provide the rationale for any zoning or classification of land under the local planning scheme.

The purpose of Local Planning Scheme No 7 is:

  1. set out the local government’s planning aims and intentions for the Scheme area; and
  2. set aside land as local reserves for public purposes; and
  3. zone land within the Scheme area for the purposes defined in this Scheme; and
  4. control and guide development including processes for the preparation of structure plans and local development plans; and
  5. set out procedures for the assessment and determination of development applications; and
  6. set out procedures for contributions to be made for the costs of providing infrastructure in connection with development through development contribution plans; and
  7. make provision for the administration and enforcement of this Scheme; and
  8. address other matters referred to in Schedule 7 of the Act.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the local planning strategy and scheme have been published in the following manner:

  • A copy of the Local Planning Strategy and Scheme Text and Maps are available on the Shire of Broome website here.
  • A hardcopy of the plans and documents are available for inspection at the Shire of Broome Administration Centre during business hours (weekdays 9am to 4pm) and the Shire of Broome Public Library during opening hours.

Submissions on the Local Planning Strategy and Scheme may be lodged in writing and should include the scheme name and number, the name and address of the person making the submission, the property affected and details of the submission and lodged with the Shire of Broome either by email (shire@broome.wa.gov.au) or by post to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 44 Broome WA 6725 on or before 4pm on the 31 March 2022.

S C Mastrolembo

Chief Executive Officer.