Local Planning Scheme Amendment and Structure Plan

No longer on display. Expired on 03 December 2024, 12:01 AM

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the Shire of Broome has prepared the following documents for public advertising:

  • Cable Beach Precinct Structure Plan
  • Chinatown-Old Broome Precinct Structure Plan
  • Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme No. 7, Scheme Amendment No. 1

The Cable Beach and Chinatown-Old Broome Precinct Structure Plans are new documents that will be used to guide land use planning, subdivision and development in Cable Beach and Chinatown/Old Broome, respectively, over the next 10 years.

Scheme Amendment No. 1 to the Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme No. 7 provides the changes to the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 7 that will enable the Precinct Structure Plans to be implemented.

The preparation of the Precinct Structure Plans has been developed following extensive consultation with community and stakeholder groups in late 2022 and early 2023. This included community workshops, online surveys, interactive mapping exercises and meetings. The Shire would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the process. The feedback and ideas you have shared have been fundamental to the development of the Precinct Structure Plans.


Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment and Precinct Structure Plan are available below.

Alternatively, hardcopies of the plans and documents are available for inspection during opening hours at:

  • Shire of Broome Administration Office, 27 Weld Street, Broome WA 6725
  • Shire of Broome Library, corner of Haas and Hamersley Streets, Broome


Scheme Amendment No. 1 to Local Planning Scheme No. 7

Precinct Structure Plans 

Frequently Asked Questions

Submission Forms


You can make a written submission on the scheme amendment and/or precinct structure plans in the following ways:

  • using the digital submission form above;
  • downloading a form in the ‘Submission Forms’ section above and return via email to shire@broome.wa.gov.au or PO Box 44, Broome 6725; or
  • Writing an email or letter and returning to shire@broome.wa.gov.au or PO Box 44, Broome 6725.

Consulting with the community on a scheme amendment (changes) to local planning scheme follows a different legislative process to consulting the community on the draft precinct structure plan, and feedback on each will be considered separately. Please ensure you clearly indicate which document you are providing feedback on, the name and address of the person making the submission, the property affected and details of the submission. 

Submissions must be made on or before 2 December 2024.


We will be hosting two community drop-in sessions where you can discuss the plans with the project team. Details outlined below:

  • Drop-in anytime between 4:30-6:30pm, Wednesday 23 October 2024, at Broome Surf Life Saving Club.
  • Drop-in anytime between 4:30-6:30pm, Thursday 24 October 2024, at Shire of Broome Administration Centre.

You can register for project updates at https://getinvolved.mysocialpinpoint.com.au/broomepsp

For more information on the project, please contact the Shire on

Phone: 08 9191 3456
Email: shire@broome.wa.gov.au