Chinatown Revitalisation Project Stage Two works to commence

Published on 29 October 2020


Construction works on Stage Two of Broome’s Chinatown Revitalisation Project will commence soon following the award of contract to Georgiou Group Pty Ltd. Works are expected to commence in the first week of November and continue through to mid 2021.

The $14.5 million upgrades, funded by the State Government and the Shire of Broome, will include improved road layouts, shade during the day and lighting at night, alfresco meeting places and street furniture, trees and green space plantings, public art and interpretive trails, and versatile parking layouts including a transit hub.

Shire of Broome president Harold Tracey said the contract award and upcoming start of construction was a major milestone for Stage Two of the project.

“The contract award is an important milestone and finalises our negotiations with the contractor, which will ensure the best possible value and outcomes for our community,” he said.

“Local content and employment were at the forefront of our negotiations and I’m pleased to see that up to 70 per cent of the contract sum is forecast to be injected directly into our economy through our local contractors, who will be undertaking the majority of the works.

“We also recognise Chinatown traders need to continue operating their businesses with as little disruption as possible throughout the construction period and we are already working very hard with the contractor to ensure this remains front of mind from the start of the works.”

Construction is scheduled to commence at the beginning of November, with works to be split into three stages through the wet season.

During the works, temporary road closures will be required on Carnarvon Street, Short Street and Napier Terrace, with diversions in place and construction being staggered to ensure access to businesses is retained. Pedestrian access in all areas will be maintained throughout the entire construction period and businesses will be open as usual.

Information regarding access and roadwork maps for construction areas, including temporary road closures, will be advertised and made available on the Chinatown website, in the monthly newsletter and on the Facebook page to help minimise inconvenience to the community.

For more information on the Chinatown Revitalisation Project and sub-projects, visit


STAGE 1           Approx. Nov – Dec 2020

Roadworks on Short St West, Napier Terrace East and West (edge of Male Oval)

STAGE 2           Approx. Jan – April 2021

Roadworks on Carnarvon St North and South, Short St East, and Napier Terrace West

Landscaping on Short St West, Napier Terrace East

STAGE 3           Approx. May – July 2021

Landscaping on Carnarvon St North, Napier Terrace West, Short Street East and Carnarvon St South

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