Takeaway Alcohol Management System trial to start in Broome and Derby

Published on 12 March 2020


A new 12-month trial aimed at reducing crime, violence and anti-social behaviour within the West Kimberley community due to the misuse of alcohol is set to begin on July 1.

A Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) will be rolled out to monitor the amount of alcohol purchased by individuals over a 24-hour period.

The TAMS technology will be installed at all venues that sell takeaway alcohol, with all customers requiring ID to make a purchase.

The initiative, introduced by the Broome Liquor Accord, will use a scanning technology system to allow licensees to register how much alcohol an individual has purchased on any given day across all takeaway liquor outlets within the Shire of Broome.

Once the trial starts, an individual will be restricted to the daily purchase of:

  • 2 cartons of mid-strength beer; or
  • 1 carton of full-strength beer and 1 carton of mid-strength beer; or
  • 1 carton of mid-strength beer and 6 bottles of wine; or
  • 1 carton of full-strength beer and 3 bottles of wine; or
  • 1 bottle of spirits and 3 bottles of wine; or
  • 1 bottle of spirits plus 1 carton of either full-strength or mid-strength.

Attempts to buy more than these amounts over a 24-hour period will result in service being refused.

Broome Liquor Accord chair and Shire of Broome president Harold Tracey said the TAMS trial would not impact those that drank alcohol responsibly.

“The misuse of alcohol across the West Kimberley is an issue that we are trying to address, with a negative knock-on impact on critical services in our communities,” he said.

“While recognising that the TAMS trial will not provide an all-encompassing solution to a complex situation, it is a step in the right direction to tackle what has become an endemic social problem.

“I’d like to thank our industry partners for their willingness to participate. An interim report provided by an independent evaluator will be delivered, before the final report upon the trial’s conclusion.”

Measures have been included to ensure that tourism operators, pastoralists and those requiring larger purchases for parties and events are provided for.

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