Council adopts 2023-2028 Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan

Published on 07 August 2023

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The Broome Shire Council has adopted the landmark Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2028, at the readjourned July Ordinary Meeting of Council on Thursday, August 3.

The adoption of the document follows a four-week community consolation period of the draft document.

The Strategy determines the arts and culture sector’s needs and long-term ambitions, and how it can be supported and enhanced by Shire investment and action so it can thrive and reach its full potential.

The Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan was devised with stakeholders as part of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Community Reference Group (ACHCRG) which included Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Magabala Books, Marrugeku, Kimberley Arts Network, Theatre Kimberley, Magabala Books, Shinju Matsuri, Goolarri Media, Nagula Jarndu, and the Broome Historical Society.

Further consultation was carried out at Communities such as Beagle Bay, Lombadina, Djarindjin, Ardyaloon and Bidyadanga.

Broader community consultation followed the endorsement of the draft document, which included public information sessions.

Broome Shire President Desiree Male said Broome punches above its weight for community organisations and individuals who create and inspire art and demonstrate that there is more to our beautiful part of the world than its natural beauty.

“Our arts and cultural services make a considerable contribution to the development and well-being of the Shire of Broome community by bringing us together and tackling social exclusion, encouraging active and healthy lifestyles, engendering a sense of civic pride, and boosting the local economy.”

The Council resolution to adopt the Strategy included acknowledgement of the members of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Community Reference Group for their contributions through the process.

The Council also wished to thank former Councillor Nik Wevers for her efforts and contributions to develop the plan.


Shire of Broome Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan, 2023-2028(PDF, 3MB)

Shire of Broome Arts and Culture Remote Communities Actions Extract, 2023-2028(PDF, 803KB)





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