Temporary caravan/camping places open to meet high demand

Published on 26 June 2023


The Shire of Broome has authorised the opening of temporary caravan/camping sites to meet demand during the height of the tourism season.

The opening of the limited number of sites coincided with the unexpected temprary closure of the Gibb River Road from Tuesday June 27, due to foreceast unseasonal flooding later in the week.

People who intend to stay in Broome until the Gibb River Road reopens and can't access caravan park/camping accommodation can try Broome's Gateway Pet Friendly Caravan Park or the temporary camping grounds in town listed below, which opened at the weekend.

Spots are limited and not all sites have power and maximum stay times apply.

Broome’s Gateway
(nature-based facility, 80 sites)
3000 Broome Road, Broome (out toward 12 Mile)
David Warman
9192 2440

Temporary caravan/camping sites

Seventh Day Adventist Church
(temporary Caravan Park, approx. 35 sites)
13 Palmer Road, Cable Beach
Gaylene and Kevin
0431 818 673
Broome Pistol Club
(temporary caravan Park, 80 sites)
251 Port Drive, Minyirr
David Williams
9192 6181


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