Tender Register

1. 2024

RFT 24/01 Concrete Crushing Recycling Services Broome WMF - Closed and Awarded(PDF, 336KB)

RFT 24/02 BRAC Irrigation Mainline Renewal - Closed and Awarded(PDF, 420KB)

RFT 24/03 Irrigation Tank, Pump and Associated Works at CB - Closed and Awarded(PDF, 420KB)

RFT 24/06 Design and Construction of Four (3x2) Dwellings - Closed and Awarded(PDF, 506KB)

RFT 24/07 Walmanyjum Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment - Stage 3 Inc. Waterpark - Closed and Awarded(PDF, 323KB)

RFT 24/08 Contaminated Site Remediation - Reserve 42502 - Advertised(PDF, 681KB)



(PDF, 326KB)

RFT 23/01 - Architectural Services - Broome Recreation and Aquatic Centre Redevelopment(PDF, 209KB)

RFT 23/02 - Shire of Broome Administration Building Air-Con Renewal(PDF, 292KB) 

RFT23/03 - Supply and Delivery of Precast Concrete Items(PDF, 411KB)

RFT23/04 - Provision of Cleaning Services for Operational Buildings(PDF, 410KB)

RFT23/05 - Disposal and Recycling of Scrap Metal and Car Bodies from the Broome Waste Management Facility(PDF, 779KB)

RFT23/06 - Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment Stage 1-1A(PDF, 2MB)

RFT23/07 - Supply & Application of Posi Shell Daily Landfill Cover(PDF, 689KB)

RFT 23/08 - Catalina's Boat Ramp Retaining Wall(PDF, 569KB)

RFT 23/09 - Supply and Delivery of Basecourse Material - Cancelled(PDF, 194KB)

RFT 23/10 - Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment Stage A1(PDF, 533KB)

RFT 23/11 - BRAC Tennis Court Surface Upgrade - Cancelled(PDF, 127KB)

RFT 23/12 Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment Stage B1 - Ongoing(PDF, 364KB)

RFT 23/13 - Supply and Delivery of One (1) 6x4 Hook Lift Truck - Ongoing(PDF, 348KB)

RFT 23/14 - Supply & Delivery of Basecourse Materials - Ongoing(PDF, 556KB)

RFT 23/15 - BRAC Tennis Court Surface Upgrade(PDF, 566KB)

RFT23/16 - Demarchi Road Blackspot Project - Ongoing(PDF, 371KB)

RFT23/17- Supply and Delivery of Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment(PDF, 250KB)