Event Application Process

The event application process is dependent on the impact your event is likely to have on the venue and the community. The Shire of Broome is committed to ensuring that events adhere to all relevant laws, maintain community safety and minimise the impacts on our pristine environment. 

Step 1 - Event Planning

  • Review the Broome Event Guidelines(PDF, 7MB) and FAQ
  • Determine the impact rating of your event by using the Event Impact Matrix. This will determine what category your event falls under and how many days prior to the event you need to submit your application
  • Submit an Event Enquiry to shire@broome.wa.gov.au if you are require any information on the requirements of your event prior to submitting an event application.  

Step 2 - Application

  • Check availability in Spacetoco and book chosen location.
  • Complete an online event application form. Minimum application timeframes apply as per the impact of the event (i.e. must apply a minimum 30 days before event for a low impact event). Late fees will apply for late applications or if the application does not have sufficient information considered to make it complete.   

Step 3 - Application Review

  • Shire commences application assessment.
  • Additional documentation may be requested as required. 
  • Once sufficient information has been received and assessed, an approval decision will be made by the Shire.  
  • Additional fees (including bond) determined and invoice issued to event organiser.
  • Pre-event meeting held between Shire and Event organiser as required. 

Step 4 - Approvals

  • Applicant pays invoice
  • Health inspections scheduled (where required).
  • Event permit issued

Step 5 - Event Delivered

  • Event delivered in accordance with Event Permit.
  • A post event assessment will be completed to determine any damages or non-compliance with event permit conditions. 
  • Post event debrief held between Shire and Event organiser for High and Major Impact Event.