Major Road Projects

The Shire of Broome is committed to providing a well maintained, functional and safe road network and carparks for our community.

The projects outlined below capture recent major works undertaken in addition to our annual maintenance programs.

Frederick Street, BRAC entry/exit Roundabout 

Details: Construction of new roundabout on Frederick Street to facilitate BRAC entry/Exit as part of the BRAC redevelopment project.

Status: Delivery in 2024/25.

Construction Cost: TBC

Funding: Road Project Grant, Roads to Recovery & Shire of Broome

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DeMarchi Road Blackspot 

Details: Widening of road, construction of a central median, pedestrian crossing and lighting upgrades to improve road safety.

Status: Delivery in 2024/25.

Construction Cost: $340,000

Funding: Blackspot & Shire of Broome



Cable Beach Road West and Sanctuary Road Roundabout

Details: Reconstruction and modification to the existing roundabout and associated pedestrian, lighting and stormwater infrastructure as part of large Cable Beach Redevelopment.

Status: Completed March 2024.

Construction Cost: $1.25M

Funding: Road Project Grant, Roads to Recovery & Shire of Broome

Frederick Street Blackspot 

Details: Modification to vehicle movements and construction of an additional off-street drop-off carpark to improve safety and reduce traffic during peak times.

Status: Completed November 2023.

Construction Cost: $1.3M

Funding: Blackspot, Shire of Broome, Department of Education & BSHS.



Blackspot – Guy St and Port Drive Roundabout 

Details: Intersection upgraded to a roundabout to improve safety.

Status: Completed in August 2023.

Construction Cost: $1.4M

Funding: Blackspot, Road Project, Roads to Recovery and Shire of Broome


Stewart Street 

Details: Upgrade of the section of Stewart Street from Weld St to Herbert St, to a 7.0m wide bitumen pavement with mountable kerbing along both sides and a footpath was provide safe pedestrian linkage.

Status: Completed early 2023.

Construction Cost: $750,000.

Funding: Shire of Broome, Roads to Recovery Grants and Road Project Grants


Lawrence Road 

Details: 600m of unsealed roadway upgraded to a typical regional bitumen pavement tying into the rest of the Lawrence Road profile.

Status: Completed July 2022

Construction Cost: $575,000

Funding: Shire of Broome, Roads to Recovery Grants and Road Project Grants



BRAC Carpark 

Details: Formalisation of gravel carpark adjacent to BRAC playing fields.

Status: Completed March 2022

Construction Cost: $800,000

Funding: Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and Shire of Broome.


Town Beach Carpark

Details: Additional carpark to alleviate capacity issues. Works include lighting and landscaping.

Status: Completed August 2021.

Construction Cost: $700,000

Funding: Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and Shire of Broome.



Port Drive Children's Crossing and Carpark

Details: Replacement of the current children’s crossing and a carpark on the western verge to improve safety and meet current standards. These works are being delivered in consultation with Saint Mary’s College.

Status: Completed August 2021.

Construction Cost: $900,000

Funding: Blackspot, Shire of Broome & SMC.

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Herbert / Saville Roundabout

Details: Intersection between Herbert St and Saville St was upgraded to a roundabout to improve safety through the intersection. The project was delivered by local civil contractor McCorry Brown Earthmoving Pty Ltd.

Status: Construction Completed November 2020.

Construction Cost: $550,000

Funding: Federal Blackspot.



Gus Winkle and Old Broome Road Intersection 

Details: Intersection between Gus Winkel Rd and Old Broome Rd was upgraded to improve safety through the intersection. The project was delivered by local civil contractor McCorry Brown Earthmoving Pty Ltd.

Status: Construction Completed November 2020.

Construction Cost: $600,000

Funding: State Blackspot, BIA and Shire of Broome.

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McDaniel Road Reconstruction 

Details: 900m of this key strategic industrial road and four intersections were in poor condition. A complete pavement reconstruction was undertaken and the drainage network capacity was increased to reduce property flooding. The project was delivered by local civil contractor Roadline Pty Ltd.

Status: Construction Completed November 2020.

Construction Cost: $4M

Funding: Shire of Broome, Roads to Recovery Grants and Road Project Grants



Hunter Street Reconstruction

Details: This key strategic light industrial road and six intersections was reconstructed in two stages. Both stages of the project were delivered by local civil contractor Roadline Pty Ltd. The works also involved replacing and lowering old water mains.

Status: Construction completed September 2019.

Construction Cost: $1.7M

Funding: Shire of Broome, Roads to Recovery Grants and Road Project Grants.



Hamersley Napier Roundabout

Details: The Hamersley Street and Napier Terrace intersection was upgraded to a roundabout to improve safety and traffic movements into Chinatown. The project was delivered by local civil contractor Roadline Pty Ltd.

Status: Construction completed October 2018.

Construction Cost: $2M.

Funding: Shire of Broome, Roads to Recovery Grants, Blackspot and Road Project Grants.
