McMahon Estate Project


The Shire of Broome is preparing a plan to guide the development of the McMahon Estate, Cable Beach.  The primary focus of the project will be to deliver housing and open space for Broome.

The project was listed as an action in the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy which suggested the preparation of a structure plan that considers:

  • Affordable housing and open space
  • Improved connectivity with a focus on safe streets and connections
  • Integration of drainage using water sensitive urban design principles.

The plan will take approximately 18 months to prepare and will occur over three project stages:

  • Stage 1 – Site Analysis and Initial Engagement – To seek input from community and stakeholders to develop the concept plan for the site. (March – Late 2024)
  • Stage 2 – Draft Local Structure Plan and Subdivision Plan – To prepare the draft Local Structure Plan and subdivision plan (Late 2024)
  • Stage 3 – Public Advertising and Finalisation – Public advertising of draft Local Structure Plan and subdivision plan and final determination (2025)

To find out more and share your thoughts about what is important to you about this area, visit the project page at   

Alternatively, you can contact the Shire on (08) 9191 3456 or


The McMahon Estate Development is a project outlined in the Shire's Corporate Business Plan for detailed investigations into feasibility, design, costing and valuation of an in-fill development of former Reserve 41551, Reid Road, Cable Beach. A Business Case was completed in 2021.

Council resolved to adopt new Local Planning Scheme No.7 (LPS7) at the Ordinary Meeting of Council (OMC) held May 26, 2022. The new local planning scheme rezoned Lot 2441 Deposited Plan P217709 (commonly referred to as ‘McMahon Estate’) from ‘Residential R40’ and ‘Parks, Recreation and Drainage’ local reserve to ‘Urban Development’.

Consequently, any future redevelopment requires a Local Structure Plan (LSP) to guide subdivision and development.

At the June 29, 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council the resolution was made to proceed with the procurement to appoint a consultant to undertake all-new structure planning for McMahon Estate that overrides previous plans. 

At the September 28, 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council the resolution was made to form a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group with the purpose to:

  • Provide input and feedback to the Shire of Broome and Council for the preparation of a McMahon Estate Local Structure Plan that will guide a residential development with appropriate public open space and drainage.
  • Ensure the community and key stakeholders are appropriately engaged in the local structure plan preparation phase of the project.
  • Act as a conduit between the Shire of Broome, Council and the community, businesses and residents.

At the December 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council, the Council approved five Broome Community members to the McMahon Estate – Local Structure Plan- Community and Stakeholder Reference Group. 

More information about the application and selection process in the December 2023 OMC Minutes.

Please note: Based on the Shires policy (5.14 Local Planning Policy - 8.23 Public Consultation – Planning Matters), landowners within 100 metres of the McMahon site property boundary were independently contacted about submitting an expression of interest to join the Community and Stakeholder Reference Group.

The planning process is complex and public engagement will be called for at various stages. In addition, it is common for complex projects to be confronted by unanticipated challenges, which may possibly extend this timeline. Your continued views and contribution will be sought.

For more information, contact the Shire of Broome project team on 9191 3456.