Swimming Pools
All swimming pools in WA are required to be isolated with a pool barrier fence.
All new pools, alterations to pools or pool barriers, require a building permit, and must comply with current standards for pool fences (AS1926.1-2012).
It is the responsibility of the pool permit holder (the builder) to ensure that prior to filling the pool, a suitable safety barrier has been installed around the pool. This could be either temporary or permanent fencing, but it must comply with the requirements of AS 1926.1-2012.
Pool Barrier Certificate
A pool barrier certificate must be provided by the builder with the BA7 Notice of Completion. This can be provided by the Shire (fee for service), or, a suitably qualified professional person.
All pools in townsites in the Shire of Broome are required to be inspected at maximum 4 yearly intervals. The Shire charges a Statutory fee (each year on your rates – $58.45 in 2022) for the pool inspection process.
New pools must have a barrier fence once water is in the pool. This will likely mean that that a temporary fence is installed until the work is completed. A temporary fence is considered a pool barrier fence and must comply with the standard AS1926.1.
The owner of the pool is responsible for the integrity, maintenance and management of the swimming pool, and pool barrier fence.
There is lots of information available at WA Building and Energy - swimming pools.
Please refer to Building Services for information sheets.